Hear from the hat-trick hero, Spaniard José Carlos González, and Chilean midfielder Diego Dutilh after Thursday evening’s 4-1 victory over PDX FC.
José Carlos González
General thoughts on the match…
“It feels good to be back on the [winning side] after a couple of days. We hadn’t been losing, so we were almost there. But we finally took that last step in front of our fans. So it feels great.”
On getting revenge against PDX FC from last year…
“It feels awesome because you see how we are better than last year. You know, everything is better. The team works harder, and it’s paying off.”
On preparations this week…
“It’s all about the good things that we have been doing this week. It starts with the winning and the losing and also about the things that we need to do in order to get the lead. We keep working hard, trusting each other because, as you know, we have a team where we can trust everyone who plays.”
On which of his three goals was his favorite…
“I would say the second one because it was a great ball from Brian [Torre]. He has a really good left foot and I just had to be there. Also, the third one was really nice because Duncan [McGuire] put all the effort in. He gave me the biggest role. I really appreciate that.”

Midfielder Diego Dutilh
General thoughts…
“It was great. Four-one, the result speaks for itself. The only thing is we need to continue pushing, continue going. Just because we’re up four-one doesn’t mean we have to stop playing. We have to go and get more and more and more. Obviously, four-one is great, but four-zero would have been better.”
On his energy after being subbed on…
“I mean, that’s what’s needed from the subs — do something better, solve the problem that is inside. Obviously today it was four-one already, so it was a great performance for the team. But yeah, stay up to the challenge and continue pushing on.”
On the energy in Civic Park…
“There the city really vibes with Lane so I really like the fans. And in this conference they are by far the best ones. The community is so nice to us that we have to give back to them, on the field and with the results. We need to be up to the challenges.”